Is mold a construction defect blog details11?

Is mold a construction defect blog details11?

Few things are more exciting than moving into a new home. After all, you have the opportunity to thrive in the house you picked. If you were fortunate enough to build a new dwelling, you may also look forward to decades in your dream home. Unfortunately, mold can ruin your future plans.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, living in a moldy house can be hazardous to anyone’s health. While certain types of mold are more dangerous than others, medical conditions may make you more sensitive to any type of fungal growth. If you have mold in your new home, you may wonder if mold is a construction defect.

Construction defects

In general terms, a construction defect is a problem with the craftsmanship, materials or design of a new home. By that definition, mold is not by itself a construction defect. Mold growth may, however, very well be the result of a defect in the construction of your house. There are a few different ways this may happen:

  • Plumbing installation
  • Foundation construction
  • Basement or crawl space sealing
  • Construction conditions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, living in a moldy house can be hazardous to anyone’s health. While certain types of mold are more dangerous than others, medical conditions may make you more sensitive to any type of fung